The story of St. Patrick is often overshadowed by the behavior of the public in celebration of the day in his honor.  While public behavior suggests that it is a time to sell alcohol and food in celebration, this does not reflect the heart of service that St. Patrick demonstrated in his life.  He has the honor of having a day named for him because he did not come to sell, but to serve. He was captured by pirates at the age of 16 in Britain.  They brought Patrick to Ireland where he would serve as a slave for 6 years.  After 6 years, the opportunity of escaped arose and he made it back home to Britain.  While in Britain, Patrick dedicated his life to God.  Eventually, he was compelled to return to Ireland to serve his former captives by sharing the truth of God to them. In an effort to help them understand who God is, Patrick chose to use the shamrock [3 leaf clover] as a tool.  Its 3 leaves symbolized the Trinity:  God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit.  The Trinity revealed the eternal nature of God and how He has made it possible to have security in life on earth and in Heaven.  God the Father secured eternal life for believers through His Son, Jesus Christ.  God the Son, Jesus Christ, served as mediator between holy God and sinful men.  When Jesus accomplished His mission of redemption for men, God the Holy Spirit was sent to men to provide protection for the duration of life on earth.  This is eternal life that is promised by God.  Apparently, Patrick’s message with a shamrock was clear.  He is credited with the evangelization of Ireland and donned the “Apostle of Ireland” to this day. It would be great if your auto insurance had the heart of St. Patrick!  Rather than attempting to sell you a car insurance policy, they desire to serve you by offering the best protection you can have.  The transition from salesman to service representative requires a heart change. DIE TO SELF St. Patrick demonstrated what it means to “die to himself.”  The natural bent of human nature is to take care of yourself first and foremost.  If your insurance agent takes this approach, you may be paying more than you need to increase commissions.  True service regards the needs of the consumer over the gain of the agent. The best insurance agents provide the best car insurance policy for the best price. SERVE OTHERS True servants understand that they are not the center of the universe.  They know that other people exist and deserve the best service.  The salesman simply wants to make the quickest deal with the greatest personal gain.  The service representative is wants you to be comfortable and knowledgeable with the auto insurance product you choose.  This may require time and explanation of key terms and coverages.  The best agents are willing to invest the most time in their customers. LIVE FOR A GREATER PURPOSE St. Patrick understood that he was created for more than survival of the fittest.  He sought something bigger than himself for which to live.  He understood the value of other people and committed his life to direct his life for the good of others.  This is the heart of service!  The best auto insurance agents find the best car insurance for the most good of their clients! St. Patrick offered hope through eternal life.  No insurance agent can guarantee you eternal life!   Even so, your DAEMI Agent can offer you the spirit of Service to give you security when you shop for the best auto insurance policy for your situation! SAVE ON AUTO INSURANCE IN THE SPIRIT OF ST. PATRICK The story of St. Patrick is often overshadowed by the behavior of the public in celebration of the day in his honor.  While public behavior suggests that it is a time to sell alcohol and food in celebration, this does not reflect the heart of service that St. Patrick demonstrated in his life.  He has the honor of having a day named for him because he did not come to sell, but to serve. He was captured by pirates at the age of 16 in Britain.  They brought Patrick to Ireland where he would serve as a slave for 6 years.  After 6 years, the opportunity of escaped arose and he made it back home to Britain.  While in Britain, Patrick dedicated his life to God.  Eventually, he was compelled to return to Ireland to serve his former captives by sharing the truth of God to them. In an effort to help them understand who God is, Patrick chose to use the shamrock [3 leaf clover] as a tool.  Its 3 leaves symbolized the Trinity:  God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit.  The Trinity revealed the eternal nature of God and how He has made it possible to have security in life on earth and in Heaven.  God the Father secured eternal life for believers through His Son, Jesus Christ.  God the Son, Jesus Christ, served as mediator between holy God and sinful men.  When Jesus accomplished His mission of redemption for men, God the Holy Spirit was sent to men to provide protection for the duration of life on earth.  This is eternal life that is promised by God.  Apparently, Patrick’s message with a shamrock was clear.  He is credited with the evangelization of Ireland and donned the “Apostle of Ireland” to this day. It would be great if your auto insurance had the heart of St. Patrick!  Rather than attempting to sell you a car insurance policy, they desire to serve you by offering the best protection you can have.  The transition from salesman to service representative requires a heart change. DIE TO SELF St. Patrick demonstrated what it means to “die to himself.”  The natural bent of human nature is to take care of yourself first and foremost.  If your insurance agent takes this approach, you may be paying more than you need to increase commissions.  True service regards the needs of the consumer over the gain of the agent. The best insurance agents provide the best car insurance policy for the best price. SERVE OTHERS True servants understand that they are not the center of the universe.  They know that other people exist and deserve the best service.  The salesman simply wants to make the quickest deal with the greatest personal gain.  The service representative is wants you to be comfortable and knowledgeable with the auto insurance product you choose.  This may require time and explanation of key terms and coverages.  The best agents are willing to invest the most time in their customers. LIVE FOR A GREATER PURPOSE St. Patrick understood that he was created for more than survival of the fittest.  He sought something bigger than himself for which to live.  He understood the value of other people and committed his life to direct his life for the good of others.  This is the heart of service!  The best auto insurance agents find the best car insurance for the most good of their clients! St. Patrick offered hope through eternal life.  No insurance agent can guarantee you eternal life!   Even so, your DAEMI Agent can offer you the spirit of Service to give you security when you shop for the best auto insurance policy for your situation!    

AHORRE EN EL SEGURO DE AUTO EN EL ESPÍRITU DE SAN PATRICIO La historia de San Patricio es a menudo eclipsada por el comportamiento del público en la celebración del día en su honor. Mientras que el comportamiento público sugiere que es un tiempo para vender el alcohol y la comida en la celebración, esto no refleja el corazón del servicio que San Patricio demostró en su vida. Tiene el honor de tener un día llamado por él porque no vino a vender, sino a servir. Fue capturado por piratas a la edad de 16 años en Gran Bretaña. Trajeron a Patrick a Irlanda donde serviría como esclavo durante 6 años. Después de 6 años, la oportunidad de escapar surgió y regresó a casa a Gran Bretaña. Mientras que en Gran Bretaña, Patrick dedicó su vida a Dios. Eventualmente, se vio obligado a regresar a Irlanda para servir a sus antiguos cautivos compartiendo la verdad de Dios con ellos. En un esfuerzo para ayudarles a entender quién es Dios, Patrick eligió usar el trébol [trébol de 3 hojas] como una herramienta. Sus 3 hojas simbolizaron la Trinidad: Dios el padre, Dios el hijo, Dios el Espíritu Santo. La Trinidad reveló la naturaleza eterna de Dios y cómo él ha hecho posible tener seguridad en la vida en la tierra y en el cielo. Dios el padre aseguró la vida eterna para los creyentes a través de su hijo Jesucristo. Dios el hijo, Jesucristo, sirvió como mediador entre el Dios Santo y los hombres pecadores. Cuando Jesús cumplió su misión de redención para los hombres, Dios el Espíritu Santo fue enviado a los hombres para proporcionar protección para la duración de la vida en la tierra. Esta es la vida eterna prometida por Dios. Aparentemente, el mensaje de Patrick con un trébol era claro. Se le atribuye la evangelización de Irlanda y se puso el “apóstol de Irlanda” hasta el día de hoy. ¡ Sería estupendo si su seguro de automóvil tuviera el corazón de St. Patrick! En lugar de intentar venderle una póliza de seguro de automóvil, desea servirle ofreciéndole la mejor protección que pueda tener. La transición de vendedor a representante de servicio requiere un cambio cardíaco. MUERE A SÍ MISMO San Patricio demostró lo que significa “morir para sí mismo”. La inclinación natural de la naturaleza humana es cuidar de sí mismo ante todo. Si su agente de seguros adopta este enfoque, puede estar pagando más de lo que necesita para aumentar las comisiones. El servicio verdadero considera las necesidades del consumidor sobre la ganancia del agente. Los mejores agentes de seguros proporcionan la mejor póliza de seguro de coche al mejor precio. SERVIR A LOS DEMÁS Los verdaderos siervos entienden que no son el centro del universo. Ellos saben que otras personas existen y merecen el mejor servicio. El vendedor simplemente quiere hacer el trato más rápido con la mayor ganancia personal. El representante de servicio es quiere que usted sea cómodo y conocedor con el producto de seguro de auto que usted elija. Esto puede requerir tiempo y explicación de los términos y coberturas clave. Los mejores agentes están dispuestos a invertir la mayor parte del tiempo en sus clientes. VIVIR PARA UN PROPÓSITO MAYOR San Patricio entendió que fue creado para más que la supervivencia de los más aptos. Buscó algo más grande que él para vivir. Entendió el valor de otras personas y cometió su vida para dirigir su vida por el bien de los demás. ¡ Este es el corazón del servicio! Los mejores agentes de seguros de automóviles encuentran el mejor seguro de coche para el más bueno de sus clientes! San Patricio ofreció esperanza a través de la vida eterna. ¡ Ningún agente de seguros puede garantizarle la vida eterna! Aún así, su agente DAEMI puede ofrecerle el espíritu de servicio para darle seguridad cuando compre la mejor póliza de seguro de auto para su situación.

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